Biyernes, Enero 6, 2017


          Media technologies are becoming an important aspect of today’s society. Each and every day, people interact with media of many different forms. Media is commonly defined as being a channel of communication. Radio, newspapers, and television are all examples of media. It is impossible to assume that media is made up of completely unbiased information and that the media companies do not impose their own control upon the information being supplied to media users. 

Since many people use media very frequently, it is obvious to assume that it has affects on people. According to the text book Media Now, media affects are changes in knowledge, attitude, or behavior that result from exposure to the mass media,". This leaves us with many unanswered questions about media and its influences. This paper will look at how the effects of media are determined and explore the main affects on today’s society - violence, prejudice, and sexual behavior. 

edia. According to the book Media Now, there 2 main approaches : the deductive approach and the inductive approach. The deductive approach is when a social scientist first comes up with theories or predictions through systematic observations of the media, and then uses the results of their research to support the theory or prove it false. 

Activity#9 Prediction of the future media

                                     TRON PHONE
        We can already do a million and one things with the smart phones in our pockets, but who knows what phones will be able to do in the future. Contact lens phones, gold tooth phones, earring phones – the possibilities are endless. Here at Digital Trends, we’re personally rooting for the eye patch phone because if you want to be cool, you gotta wear an eye patch, mahn. Below are 10 cool concept phones that we came across while we were wakeboarding the Internet.

      This phone will never be made, because it doesn’t work, but we think it’s pretty cool. This phone was designed by Andrew D. Morgan with inspiration from the Tron Legacy film. They essentially felt that the programs in the grid would need a way to communicate. Stay tuned for AT&T’s manufacturing of this phone once the grid becomes a real thing. 


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Activity# 8: Opportunities, Challenges and Power of media and information

       We are free to use the media and we are free to get the details and information but we have a limitation. The media has a big impact to youth , it is a positibe and negative impact.Someone didn't use properly.

       In media, there is a time that you are not sure about something you want to do because they'll make a funny picture, but definitely not. There is a lot of people who make troublemaker, they do something for nothing.

     Just like for example: naked videos facebook scam. How will you avoid like this ? Stay away so-called scandalous videos. Make sure you use security software that guards you from drive by downloads and run a regular scan to make a certain that your computer isn't running program.

Activity#7 : Legal, Ethical, Societal Issues in Media and Information

         There is a bad happen we don't let that happen.If someone do that bad thing it is possible she/he takes to the jail.There is a do's and dont's for using and getting the information in media.Under the legal, ethical, and societal issues in media and information we have copyright, fair use, plagiarism netiquette, digital divide, addiction, and bullying.

        The issues in media and information has a big impact of all, this is the way to avoid just like doing this happen.The plagiarism/copyright/fair use is copying or borrowing the idea of anoter person witout permission.The bullying is the use of force and threat, usually happen this thing is in the school, they abuse repeated and maybe they habits.Bullying has different types just like verbal, cyber and personal.The netiquette is the rules of proper way to use internet.There is a proper way to use internet because it is cause to don't understand each other especially in communication.The addiction is the interest of something that she /he needs to do.

         We all know our limitation especially in media and internet.We can stop the cyberbullying; do not respond, contact blocked and tell the problem to the elder.In copyright, if you copy the details or information put a citation for avoiding plagiarism.The ethical use of media and information have a proper way to avoid breaking rules.

Activity6: Events in Plaridel

          We all that every town have a different events to recognize their place.Plaridel's animal is horse.There is a lot of events in Plaridel but the famous is the Viva Santiago Apostol day, the event is every December 29 also known as "Salubong".This is the tradition of Plarideleño.

           Plarideleño are prepared for the Viva Santiago Apostol.Even though the people from far place and they can go yo see the Viva Santiago Apostol.There is a lot of people need to go because it is they called panata.We can see the sincerity of all people to see him and enjoying the event.While waiting the Viva Santiago Apostol, there are motor rider to catch tha attention of all people for avoiding the boredom, they make a different tricks to have fun using their motor.After the Viva Santiago Apostol got inside the church the mass will started.

          That is the day of plarideleño have time to see each other and see how friendly the plarideleño.It is important for all because all of us feeling bless every Viva Santiago Apostol day.After the event the you have a free to enjoy and go somewhere.

Activity 5: Historical place

           As with the other towns in Bulacan, Plaridel has its prominent place in Philippine History. It is the site of the Battle of Quingua during the Philippine-American War as part of the defense of the First Philippine Republic against the Northern Campaign of the American Army. A marker now stands at the site of the battle in Barangay Agnaya in memory of the historical battle happened in the site.
            Plaridel's history can be traced through records back to 1595, in the early years of the Spanish colonization, when the Augustinian friars from Malolos moved north and discovered a vast forest in 1595 which was later known as Quingua. As per as the history of the Parish of St. James the Apostle recorded, Quingua was established by the Augustinian order from Malolos and named it "Encomienda Binto" (Brgy. Bintog got it name here). They built a mission chapel placed it under the jurisdiction of the Parish of the Immaculate Concepcion. The mission chapel was elevated into an independent parish named Parroquia de Santiago Apostol and Quingua was separated from the district of Malolos as a new pueblo or town in 1602. Plaridel is surrounded by the rivers of Angat, Bulacan and Tabang River running through it. The Angat River or Bulacan River flows directly to Calumpit, Bulacan meeting the Pampanga River. The Tabang river, a tributary with adjoining intersections dividing the middle of the present Poblacion, flows to Manila Bay passing the Guiguinto and Bulacan towns. The water of this river was called "Tabang" or fresh water.
         Very few people lived here, and most were closely related. Each group had a leader called "tandis." Different groups spoke different dialects; Pampango,  Pangasinan, Ilocano and Tagalog. From Calumpit, Spanish priests and missionaries of the Augustinian Order, led by the Rev. Fr. Bernardino de Leon, frequently visited the place, preaching the Catholic faith, using the "balsa" or bamboo raft as their means of transportation. The missionaries decided to clear the land and establish settlements, from which they could work to bring unity to the people. They needed ideas to bring this about so each "Tandis" drew up a plan to pursue. For seven years, the groups of people labored, so much so that when the priest returned they found the area completely cleared. They inquired among the natives for who should be credited and the Pampangos exclaimed, "Quing wawa". So every now and then, to every question of the friars, the people would reply "Quing wa". Thereafter, the place was called Quingua.

* History of Plaridel

Activity# 4: Promotional video for school

     Learn while having fun. We a great teachers who will help us to have a bright future. It's more fun here in Jose J. Mariano Memorial High School, you will meet a different kinds of students. You will know how friendly we are. It is public school, but definitely not. Since I'm one of those students I feel like I'm studying at private school.

     The JJMMHS have a wide covered court and the students are kind especially teachers. We have mass every month and program every month to avoiding boredom.It is better to enjoy the life and nothing to worry the problem. We all know that the youth, teenagers, students want the media , there is an ICT Laboratory, TLE Room, library and events.

Each of us need to study, through studying we have a hope to achieve the dreams we want to. This is the way to beleive that says dream come true.

Activity# 2: Timeline: History of Media

     We all know that the media is most important for us, it help us to get the information and details we want to. Nowadays, our media has a big different compare to the past long years. 

       Traditional Media can be explained as TV, radio, direct mail, billboards, etc. It is an “push” strategy, meaning the message is being output by the business. It is a one-way, direct message that can be costly, yet instantly impactful. Traditional media is gauged by short-term results. New Media can be explained as social media (Facebook, Twitter, YouTube), search engine marketing (SEM), search engine optimization (SEO), blogs, etc. It is a “pull” strategy, meaning it is conversational between consumer and business. It is interactive and inexpensive to campaign, and it can yield measurable progress. New media is gauged by long-term results. 

          Media plays a crucial role in shaping a healthy democracy. It is the backbone of a democracy. Media makes us aware of various social, political and economical activities happening around the world. It is like a mirror, which shows us or strives to show us the bare truth and harsh realities of life. The media has undoubtedly evolved and become more active over the years. It is the media only who reminds politicians about their unfulfilled promises at the time of elections. T.V news channels’ excessive coverage during elections helps people, especially illiterates, in electing the right person to the power. This reminder compels politicians to be upto their promises in order to remain in power.   
 *Traditional and new media -

Activity# 1: Media, Information, Technology literacy

     Literacy is the skills that we have , we can use our skills to our future employment .Through media , we can easily communicate to others .But we have a limitation to avoid hurt other people . We use the media by communication and the information we've got , we didn't know if it is correct or wrong. The media define as the sources of credible and current information.

      The literacy has three different types : Media literacy, Information literacy and Technology literacy . Each literacy have main function that use and learn easily .The Media literacy is the ability to access , analyze ,evaluate and create media . Media literate youth and adults are better able to understand to complex message we received from television , radio , internet , books,magazines and all other forms of media .The Information literacy is utilizing information or the specific understanding of the knowledge .It is the ability to locate,evaluate and use effectively the needed information.The Technology literacy is producing and creating information to give us more knowledge and help us to understand the things we do not know.The technology literacy the ability of an individual, work independently and with others, to responsibly, appropriately, and effectively the use of technology tools to access, evaluate, manage and communicate information.

      The media is making information and it has big roles in just like to glean information, to entertain and communicate to others. The media, information and technology literacy hasa different use to elaborate to us that the three literacy help us to improve our skills to know more new idea .Using the different types of literacy, each of us catch the attention because of media .All of us know how to use the technology and it help us to progress our economics .